1993 and 2001 : Three solo exhibitions with artistic photographs in black/white and in color in Rio Cuarto, General Levalle and Córdoba (Argentina).
01 July 2021 : Presentation at "IG Virtual Soiree: Coloring the dark times" (Art Fair via Youtube). Organized by the Institute of Geosciences of the State University of Campinas, Brazil. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6YAED1GnJ8k
15th July and 14th August 2021 : 5 paintings selected to participate in the collective art exhibition “Colour” (Color) at TEBBS Contemporary Art Virtual Gallery London ( https://www.tebbsgallery.com/ ).
23 July to 15 August 2021 : 1 painting selected to participate in the virtual collective exhibition at the 2nd edition of the Premio Arte Anima Latina, Perugia, Italy. https://sites.google.com/view/galeriaanimalatina/brasil .
12/01/2021 to 01/30/2021 : 5 paintings selected to participate in the 8th Contemporary Collective Exhibition EUARTE 2021 which was held at the Online Art Gallery https://www.euearte.com.br/
Entre o 25 e 27 de março de 2022, Diego Ducart participou da 26ª Edição da Expo Arte SP organizada pela Art Lab Gallery, na cidade de São Paulo.
Entre 15 e 21 de junho de 2022, o artista participou de uma exposição virtual na The Holy Art Gallery de Londres. As obras também foram expostas em 160 telas dispostas em diferentes locais de Londres. https://www.theholyart.com/